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Buffalo Valley Stud - Home of the Drakensberger

Buffalo Valley - Home of the Drakensberger

Buffalo Valley is a family business run by John & Lee Roos. We farm with Drakensberger cattle and Eragrostis hay. We do not plant any cash crops.


Buffalo Valley Missie

  Om 'n Drakensberger koei te teel wat elke jaar 'n kalf vanaf die veld sonder duur byvoeding lewer, wat die Drakensberger Beestelersgenootskap se inspeksie slaag.
  Bekostigbare bulle vanaf die veld te voorsien wat 30+ koeie in 'n drie maande dekseisoen dek sonder byvoeding.
  Om 'n Positiewe bydrae te lewer tot die verbetering van die Ras.

Buffalo Valley Geskiedenis

Buffalo Valley het ’n lang en kleurvolle geskiedenis. Dit is beslis nie ’n oordrywing as ons die stelling maak dat daar baie mense betrokke was met die skryf van die BV verhaal. Daar was opdraandes en afdraandes. Ons het saam gelag en saam gehuil. Die resultaat soos dit vandag daar staan, is pragtig, met ’n lang en blink toekoms wat wink. Soos met enige storie, het dit ’n begin en dit is waar ons gaan begin.

Buffalo Valley came into being when John and a partner, both born and bred townsmen, entered farming with the purchase of a Highveld farm, with the aim of producing milk from the veld. (A decade or two, three, ago this was common practice throughout the country). Dairy breeds were used, but it was found that the cows yielding the greatest volume of milk under Highveld conditions were black cows, or so-called Veld Friesians, later identified by the pundits as Drakensbergers. These black cows formed the nucleus of the Buffalo Valley’s Drakensberger stud of today.



Buffalo Valley Guarantee

"Quality breeds Quality
Champions breed Champions"

Buffalo Valley Embrios